ISO 27001
ISO 27001:20013 - Information Security Management System (ISMS)
Effective use of networking technology has improved operational efficiency but increased risk to the vital information available with the business environment. Protecting confidential customer information and business data is the challenge in complex business environment. Unauthorized access to important information and knowledge capital, or its loss, can have significant negative impact on an organization, including interruption of business continuity, vulnerability to fraud, loss of strategic advantage and damage to reputation.

Purpose of ISO 27001
Every business is having its own management information system which generates required information report of business deals, project progress status & employee information. Any interruption in the quality, quantity, relevance & distribution of your information systems can put your business at risk from attack due to information is exposed to a growing number and a wider variety of threats and vulnerabilities.
Significant incidents involving hacking, altering & misuse of information, online fraud thus losses continue to make the headlines and cause concerns for customers and consumers in general. Thus the critical business information must be actively managed to protect confidentiality, maintain integrity and ensure availability of those information assets to employee, clients, consumers, shareholders, authorities and society at large.
A certified information security management system demonstrates commitment to the protection of information and provides confidence that assets are suitably protected – whether held on paper, electronically, or as employee knowledge.
Implementation of information security management systems as per ISO 27001 gives a systematic approach to minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or loss of information and ensuring the effective deployment of protective measures for securing the same. It provides a framework for organizations to manage their compliance with legal and other requirements, and improve performance in managing information securely.
Benefits of ISO 27001
Information security management system implementing an effective will help identify and reduce information security risks, as it helps you focus your security efforts and protect your information.
Certifying your ISMS against ISO/IEC 27001 can bring the following benefits to your organization:
• Systematic identification of Information Security Risks and its mitigation to reduce risk.
• Availability of internal controls and meets corporate governance and business continuity requirements in case of man made and natural disasters.
• Better protection of confidential data and reduced risks from hackers’ attacks.
• Independently demonstration to compliance with legal and contractual requirements.
• Faster and easier recovery from the attacks and improved ability to survive disasters.
• Give proof to your customers and purchasers of the high level of security management.
• Staff members are well-informed and Information security costs of your organization are managed.
• Internationally recognized & applicable to all sectors, giving you access to new markets across the world.
• Due to dependability of information and information systems, confidentiality, integrity and availability of information is essential to maintain competitive edge, cash-flow, profitability and commercial image.
• Provide assurance to stakeholders such as shareholders, clients, consumers and suppliers.
• Provide & enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction, which in turn can lead to increased business opportunities.
Features of ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is the standard generic in nature applicable to all business sectors which globally recognized standard for information security management systems. Information security management system certification may be combined with certification to other management system standards, e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
The standard provides a comprehensive approach to security of information needing protection, ranging from digital information, paper documents, and physical assets (computers and networks) to the knowledge of individual employees. Subjects to address include competence development of staff, technical protection against computer fraud, information security metrics and incident management as well as requirements common to all management system standards such as internal audit, management review and continuous improvement.
More about ISO 27001
A certificate issued by third party registrar to demonstrates that your business system has been certified against requirements of ISO 27001 requirements. Implementation of ISO 27001 by setting up of internal processes gives confidence to customers that you have taken necessary precautions to protect sensitive information against unauthorized access and changes.
ISO 27001 is particularly adopts a process approach for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an organization’s information security management system.
ISO 27001 is established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is the standard used for third party certification. It has replaced earlier standard BS 7799 to harmonize with other standards with new controls included, i.e. the emphasis on information security metrics and incident management.
The standard also draws upon other standards like ISO/IEC 17799:2005, the ISO 13335 series, ISO/IEC TR 18044:2004 and “OECD Guidelines for Security of Information Systems and Networks "Towards a culture of security" that provide guidance for implementing information security.
Protecting your assets
An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is which is based on a systematic business risk approach, to establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and improve information security. ISO 27001 is an International Standard giving requirements related to ISMS in order to enable an organization to assess its risk and implement appropriate controls to ensure:
• Confidentiality: ensuring that the information is accessible only to those authorized to access it.
• Integrity: ensuring that the information is accurate and complete and that the information is not modified without authorization.
• Availability: ensuring that the information is accessible to authorized users when required.
The fundamental aim is to protect the information of your organization getting into the wrong hands or losing it forever. ISMS are complemented by ISO 17799:2005 Code of practice for information security management which identify control objectives & common basis and practical guideline for developing organizational security standards and effective security management practices, and to help build confidence in inter-organizational activities.
Certification Process for ISO 27001
ICMC Certification India appoints a competent & suitable auditor or team of auditors to audit the organization against the standard & scope requested by the clients. Client has to file an application seeking standard for which to be certified. Gap analysis may be performed first to check readiness for the auditee organization which help organization to improve upon. Routine surveillance audits are carried out to evaluate continual improvement in the validity period. A re-certification audit is performed after every three years to maintain continuity of certification.
For Whom ISO 27001?
Organizations of all business sectors can apply for ISO 27001 Certification, to systematically examine their information for risks and their protection needs.
Requirement of ISMS
• Product description
• Establishing Policy
• Implementation of Plan & Program me
• Quality records & documentation
• Management Review
Benefits of ISMS
• Improves credibility and enhances customer confidence
• Reduces the needs for multiple assessment
• Provides opportunity for continuous improvement through regular audits
• Provides more a avenues for trade in the global market.