ISO 45001:2018 Certification/Assessment

Directors and Managers are required by law to have policies and procedures in place to safeguard the occupational health and safety of their employees, workers, workers of external providers, contractors, individuals, agency workers and by other persons to the extent the organization shares control over their work or work-related activities, according to the context of the organization. This extends to planning and monitoring the company activities, with regard to operational risks identified in the health and safety arena. ISO 45001’s Certification goal is to assist companies of all sizes and industries in developing systems to avoid injury and illness. benefits from good environmental practices:

ISO 45001 Certification was published on 12th March 2018. ISO 45001 Certification is constructed through the same lines as ISO Management Systems that emphasize effectiveness, efficiency and continual improvement from a Management System.

It now follows the fundamental requirements based on the highly successful PDCA “Plan-Do-Check-Act” method.

This mandatory requirement is now becoming one of the most important legal requirements, ethical and social responsibilities in the world of business, as well as in countries seeking to gain global recognition.

One of the most important aspects of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System is that it enables organization to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill- health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S performance.

How do you keep up with legislation and set up a system that protects you and your company? The answer is to introduce an Occupational Health & Safety Management System.

Organizations that adopt and implement an Occupational health and safety management system to ISO 45001 can benefit from.

  • Focus on increasing profitability, competitiveness and also motivate the employees
  • Flexibility for documented information
  • Lower injury costs, reduce absenteeism
  • Better process control leading to improved results
  • Improved customer satisfaction, image and reputation
  • Improved confidence in operations and shareholder confidence
  • Reduced Liability Claims and risk of accidents
  • Reduced costs due to less incidences
  • Greater credibility
  • Reduced insurance premiums