Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total – The responsibility for achieving Quality rests with everyone a business no matter what their function. It recognizes the necessity to develop processes across the business, that together lead to the reliable delivery of exact, agreed customer requirements. This will achieve the most competitive cost position and a higher return on investment.

Quality – The prime task of any business is to understand the needs of the customer, then deliver the product or service at the agreed time, place and price, on every occasion. This will retain current customers, assist in acquiring new ones and lead to a subsequent increase in market share

Management – Top management lead the drive to achieve quality for customers, by communicating the business vision and values to all employees; ensuring the right business processes are in place; introducing and maintaining a continuous improvement culture.


The principles of Total Quality Management are as relevant to work process management today as they have ever been, particularly when considered alongside learning’s from other techniques such as lean manufacturing. It is essential that programmes are structured to meet the needs and situations of individual companies. Whilst some may benefit from a fully integrated programme, others have realised that there are significant payoffs to be gained from a more modest or tailored approach designed to solve specific problems or achieve defined, targeted improvements. The scope and scale are up to the client company to choose.

Steps of Certification

The principles of Total Quality Management are as relevant to work process management today as they have ever been, particularly when considered alongside learning’s from other techniques such as lean manufacturing. It is essential that programmes are structured to meet the needs and situations of individual companies. Whilst some may benefit from a fully integrated programme, others have realised that there are significant payoffs to be gained from a more modest or tailored approach designed to solve specific problems or achieve defined, targeted improvements. The scope and scale are up to the client company to choose.

How can ICMC World help?

Ascent World consists of full-time trainers and consultants with a unique combination of manufacturing experience, business and financial expertise,

A “hands-on” approach creates a recipe for our clients’ success.

System Study, Documentation- Manual Preparation, Records Implementation, Trainings, Internal Audits & MRM, Guidance through a Successful Audit